Our History
The MCFFC was instrumental with the passage of the “Fair Competition Law” in 1998. In fact, the MCFFC staged a parade of service trucks around the capitol building for the first piece of legislation. This bill states a utility may not engage in HVAC services unless they were grandfathered in or for emergency purposes. This meant utilities could no longer use taxpayer, subsidized dollars to compete with small businesses.
In 2003, the MCFFC aided in the creation of a law meant to close loopholes and strengthen statutory protections. Our language in the bill passed without a single “no” vote.
Our current focus is to be the watchdog for heating and cooling industry issues that could affect our livelihoods. As a Political Action Committee, we pride ourselves in enhancing legislative efforts to better our members. We aren’t afraid to tackle a legislative issue that could affect the heating and cooling industry.